Hi, my name is Emelie Westerlund. I am an exchange student from the University of Lund in the south of Sweden.
I am very honored to able to study a exchange term at Peking University during the fall of 2016.
I was offered a scholarship. That is an exchange specifically between the Department of Sociology in Lund and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at PKU. I arrived in Beijing on the 31st of August and will return to Sweden on the 19th of January. In springtime I will pursue writing my bachelor thesis and I hope to extract the knowledge I have received during my stay in China and use it in future studies. My specific interests in the sociological field regard labor and The Precariat (a term by Guy Standing describing a new ’dangerous’ new class i society). My studies have focused upon aspects of class, gender and ethnicity. My studies here at Peking University are on Contemporary Chinese Society, Language and Culture and Transitional Justice and Second Modernity. I believe the different courses compliment each other when as a student I am able to see big historical and social patterns but also dig deep into nuance and specific topics. I am eager to see what this term at the university has to give me and what I am able to give back in return.