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讲座预告丨Walking in their World: Social Work with Minorities

时间2019-11-21(周四)   18:40-20:00


主讲人Michael Webster新西兰奥克兰大学高级讲师








Wang Sibin (2012) defines ethnic social work in China as a set of professional services targeting ethnic minorities in certain regions. In Mainland China, social work practice with ethnic minorities and research in this field are in their very early stages of development (Chai, 2016). This presentation draws on New Zealand immigration patterns and the place of Māori as the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand in presenting multi-ethnic/ multicultural social work ethics, standards and practice models as a contribution to this emerging field. The presentation also includes the author’s research findings responding to the question: How do social work leaders understand working with minority indigenous peoples?


Chai (2016) calls for social workers in the PRC to leave “the ‘middle-person’ mentality and put [themselves] in the other party’s shoes.” New Zealand’s social work commitment to “walking in people’s worlds” (Weld & Appleton, 2008) makes a contribution to this call. This presentation asks how China—with 55 recognised minorities—and New Zealand can learn from each other.





Presenting author

Michael Webster | PhD, Master of Business Studies, Registered Social Worker | Senior Lecturer

School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work |Te Kura Tauwhiro Tangata

Faculty of Education and Social Work | Te Kura Akoranga me Te Tauwhiro Tangata  



Mike teaches organisational management and leadership for practitioners in social work, health and human services.   Postgraduate teaching engages with middle and frontline managers in health, social work and human services in staff management. A new postgraduate course (Leadership: Ethics and actions) offered for the first time in 2017 draws directly from his PhD findings.

Current research

  • Leadership for wellbeing in the workplace
  • Political and economic factors of housing unaffordability: A human rights and social justice perspective.
  • Developing leadership and management practice standards for social workers in Aotearoa New Zealand









社会学系海外学者讲座系列 2019年第10期  总第48